Rotary is a global network of 1.4 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves. Learn more about Rotary International

Join us!

Since 1999, The Adrian Morning Rotary has provided grants, scholarships and volunteers to make our community a better place.

The mission of the Rotary Club of Adrian Morning is to help our youth, community, and world build a better tomorrow.

Learn what we’re all about and join us for a meeting! We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 7:00 a.m. at The Centre, 1800 W. US-223, in Adrian.

News & Recent Projects


Members of Adrian Morning Rotary are active in the community by providing both volunteers and financial assistance to nonprofits and projects.

Projects include:

Little Free Libraries - Our members build and stock more than 20 little libraries around our community to ensure children and adults have access to reading material Learn more

Weekend Snack Sacks - Providing snack packs to students in need at Madison and Adrian Schools. Learn more

Ending Polio - Rotary International has partnered with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization, and UNICEF to end polio, once and for all: www.endpolio.org